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What is the World Economic Forum annual meeting, set to begin in Davos?


For weeks every year, that well-known Alpine of Davos turns from a sleepy holiday destination into the heart of the world’s financial community. This transformation has been brought by the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting, an iconic event which offers meeting platform to leaders, creators and decision makers. The next edition will also hold no difference as it provides a means through which different sectors in commerce can engage a common dialogue.

Formation and Development of WEF

The World Economic Forum was established in 1971 by Professor Klaus Schwab as the European Management Forum which sought to familiarize European companies with the principles of doing business with American companies. It expanded in its size and mandate over the decades and restyled as the World Economic Forum in 1987. Today, the WEF is an important global non-governmental organisation of public-private partnership that tackling numerous challenges facing the world through the multi-stakeholder approach.

Why Davos?

Davos, as one might at first think, is not considered the ideal place for such a large meeting but, again, it is quite secluded and beautiful. Where the everyday triangle of challenges is left aside and a calm environment for achieving solid grounds for a more serious discussion is created. Every year in January, Davos becomes a creative crucible of ideas, ideas makers, policy makers, business leaders, scholars, and non-governmental organization representatives.

Themes and Objectives

Every WEF Annual Meeting focuses on a theme that captures the most compelling challenge the world is likely to address. Some of the recent themes include: “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” “Building a Better Future in a Broken World,” and “Building Blocks for a Comprehensively Connected World of Stakeholders.” Such themes show that the forum is intended to respond to global structural factors including technology, climate, economy, and politics.

The primary objective of Davos meeting is to create solutions to existing problems through the convergence or coordination of various participants. It seeks to bring together different sectors and disciplines to reduce the silo thinking when approaching global challenges.

Key Participants

The Davos Annual Meeting is famous for its strictly limited attendance list. The attendees are usually presidents, ministers, chief executive officers of large companies, premier economists, prominent scholars, and other personalities from the civil society. This approach guarantees that there is a diversity of views and experiences and regarding issues discussed, which makes discussions more substantive and rich.

They also provide keynote speeches, sit on discussions and panels, and interact socially in protracted casual meetings. There are also many ways during the event to hold one-on-one sessions for leaders and business people, to make deals, form partnerships and partnerships to develop new ideas and strategies.

Impact and Criticisms

The effects of the Davos meeting are manifold. It also operates as a comprehensive business and policy index of the global sentiment since the subjects of the discussions and announcements engender market trends and polices. Due to this visibility, the ideas and initiatives that are cooked up in Davos do not remain in the Alps: they set the tone for the world in the following year.

Nevertheless, the critics have not left the annual meeting of the WEF empty-handed. Still others maintain that it is an aristocrat conference and thus has no bearing with people’s day to day life. Some people say that while the organizers aim to make the event truly inspirational, the results are not exactly what one would expect. But there is also criticism of the environmental impact of such a big event, while its key themes are climate change and sustainable development.

Looking Ahead

With the world experiencing ever increasing levels of systemic challenges, the WEF Annual Meeting in Davos remains an essential discussion forum. All a spectrum of topics including the economic aftermath of the pandemic, the technological advancement and change, and the necessity for climate change action will be discussed at the meeting.

The World Economic Forum: A Catalyst for Global Change

The World Economic Forum is a special and powerful global body that holds conferences and meets with members of many different industries to deliberate on issues. The WEF was formally set-up in the year 1987. It has gradually transformed into an exhibition of public and private partnership initiatives with the sort of vision to positively change the state of the world.

Objectives and Mission

The main reason for the existence of WEF is to bring political, business, academic and other elites within the society into a process of dialogue for the purpose of creating a common vision and change agendas at the global, regional and industry levels. The organization is dedicated to sustaining, developing, and building various partnerships to tackle the greatest and current challenges across the globe including climate change, economic disparities, and technological evolution.

The WEF’s tagline ‘Committed to Improving the State of the World’ perfectly captures the organisation’s focus on generating a positive impact. Established to promote the international cooperation of leaders from all fields to debate and come up with effective solutions for global issues, the main focus of WEF is the application of ideas which can be tailored for worldwide usage.

Structure and Activities

WEF works through platforms, activities and meetings that involve leaders from different fields of the economy. The Annual Meeting hosted in Davos, Switzerland, is the major event of the organization which gathers the leaders of states, the heads of large companies, economists and other representatives of civil society. This meeting also brings together people who brainstorm, argue and exchange ideas to help solve current problems that affect the world.

In addition to the Annual Meeting, the WEF holds regional heads of government meetings, industry and technical gatherings, and varied projects aimed at emerging subjects such as their planetary agenda, the wellbeing of individuals, and the shift towards digitization. Such activities offer an opportunity to opinion makers to share knowledge, create alliances, and come up with practicable approaches.

Publications which have been produced by the World Economic Forum

The WEF is specifically recognized for its number of well-studied and well-researched annual reports that cover numerous topics. All these reports play very crucial role in setting the policies, providing best practices to the business leaders and advocating the policies to the public domain. Some of the major reports are:

Global Risks Report

The Global Risks Report is published as part of the series of key reports of the World Economic Forum. It offers a comprehensive and credible view on how the most perilous threats threatening earth today are including power based on geographical location, natural, social, and technology systems. The findings presented in the report were obtained by the Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS), involving more than 900 participants from all over the world. The most recent edition establishes that the world is becoming more polarized and that integrated solutions must be applied to tackle both emergencies and development objectives.

Future of Jobs Report

The Future of Jobs Report looks at trends in technology, economy, and demography affecting workplace at the global level. The result is a global report based on input from over 1,000 senior employers from a range of sectors across more than 14M employees in nations and industries. It examines how things like mobility, access to the internet, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Climate are redesigning jobs and skills. The report also shows the increasing trend of occupations in computer and technology along with increased adaptability and innovation in the workplace.

Energy Transition Report

The Energy Transition Report looks at the risks and opportunities of moving in a low-carbon world and getting to net zero by 2050. It underlines the climactic dependency on the growth in the investments in the energy field and the necessity to develop the common set of rules for the financing of the energy transition projects. The report says that coordination between investors, industry leaders, policymakers as well as financial institutions could lead to decrease of costs and manage risks.

Cyber security Outlook

The Global Cyber security Outlook looks at the dynamics of cyber security and their effects on economic and social systems. Compiled in cooperation with the Accenture and report covering megatrends as; geopolitical rivalry, new technologies and growing intensity of cyber threats. It reveals the factors demanding protective measures against cyber threats and emphasizing the complexity of the security scene.

Annual Report

Considering the Annual Report as a document, the Annual Report gives an account of the organization particularly the WEF, its major new developments, plans and achievements within the year. It describes the organization’s 10 centres of work and highlights successes in advancing sustainability, resilience and equity. This report also demonstrates how WEF has encouraged business cooperation and solutions towards the challenges affecting the world.

Role Played by WEF for economic Stability

WEF has an important significance in supporting and sustaining the state of economy in the world. The WEF actually plays a mediating role and fosters cooperation with partnership with different stakeholders in a public-private platform. Here are key ways in which the WEF contributes to global economic stability:

Building Multiplayer Relations

It promotes collective action by all the nations, corporate and societies. Using Annual Meeting in Davos, regional summits, and other platforms the WEF unites representatives of various industries to discuss global issues with solutions. Thus, fostering cooperation and common vision, the WEF contributes to the creation of the united international community with a coherent policy as to maintain the stability of the world economy.

Addressing Systemic Risks

Particularly, the WEF deals with the isolation of significant risk sources that could destabilise the global economy. For instance, the Global Risks Report contains a unique source of insights into the most important risks that threaten the world, such as geopolitical relations, environmental problems, or technological advancements. These risks are highlighted by the WEF, to sensitize Polity and corporate players on the possibility of economic risks that may be harnessed and countered.

Promoting sustainable development

Sustainable development is one of the critical Ten Principles that form the basis for the WEF’s approach towards sustaining economic efficiency. It supports the officials for parts that imply the modern economic development without pre-damage of environmental and social components. Efforts towards the establishment of the global future councils and the climate action platform are efforts that engage professionals to advance development frameworks that do not compromise the future generation in their pursuit of economic prosperity.

Supporting innovation and entrepreneurship

The concept of innovation and entrepreneurship are economic stabilizers and promoters of economic growth. In executing its tasks in these areas, the WEF uses features such as the Global Innovators Community and the Tech Pioneers Program that provides recognition for innovative startups and technologies. Through encouraging development of new ideas, seeds, which eventually become job creating, growth and shock-absorbing facilities of the economy.

Improving Global Trade and Investment

In today’s world, through promotion of dialogue between governments and businesses, the WEF has a critical mission of improving global trade and investment. The WEF also aims at removing trade barriers, promoting fairness and efficiency of trade and investment regimes, and encourage FDI through its International Trade & Investment initiative. They help in developing a more stable going forward international economic system.

Addressing inequality and inclusion

The reality is that no economy can be stable where inclusion is lacking or social equity is an unfulfilled dream. The WEF also operates in the promotion and advancement of inclusive growth policies and we practices to diminish the gaps. The WEF has an assortment of tools that target inequality for measurement and elimination such as the Inclusive Development Index and the Gender Gap Report. In this way, the WEF contributes to making it possible for stability in economy to ring-fence benefits across societies.

The World Economic Forum’s action plan can therefore best be described as a holistic one, which seeks to achieve the all-important goal of economic stability through cooperation, risk management, sustainability, innovation, trade and equity. In this way the WEF fulfils an important function in managing a stable and robust economically integrated world. The commitment of increasing the state of the world, as retained by the WEF to meet the dynamism of the world in the face of these challenges remains important in ensuring economic stability.
