The conference "Delivering for Nutrition in South Asia: The annual conference, “Linking the dots Across Systems” was conducted in Colombo, Sri Lanka in December, 03-05, 2024. Co-hosted by IFPRI and CGIAR, the aim of the event was to discuss the nexus of nutrition and food systems for South Asian region, where renowned scientists, effective policy makers and key stakeholder participated.
Key Themes and Discussions
There were several areas of emphasis at the conference including how the current global variables such as the Russia- Ukraine war are making a tremendous impact on food and nutrition security in the world, how sustainable agriculture is vital to human nutrition and how the industry is shaping health policies. Participants were able to examine the complex relationships and interconnections between nutrition and its antecedents including agricultural food production system and market, diet quality, gender, education, water and sanitation, and climate change.
Thematic Sessions
The conference had thematic sessions with regard to different topics such as maternal and adolescent diet, children diet, and existing policies and programs for better diets in South Asia were conducted. These sessions underlined various diet types, the dynamics of social inequalities, and the necessity for programs that respond to conditions that can influence nutrition: economically and socially.
Multi-Stakeholder Engagement
One of the more important focuses of the conference was the stakeholders cooperation. Also emphasis was the coordinated program of research and engagement for Transforming Agri-food Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA). It will also support the creation of sustainable healthy diets for consumers and enhance farmers’ income, and support the effective conservation of natural resources.
Importance of Food Diversity to Human and Environmental Health
The kind and number of different foods that are consumed have significant influence on the state of human health and the state of the environment is important. This article describes how multi-culture eating patterns are now more necessary than ever detailing how they relate to global nutrition and food systems.
Nutritional Benefits
It is recommended that people should eat a balanced diet because it enables them to take all the nutrients into the body. The content of vitamin, mineral, fibres and other valuable components in diets may be completely different. For example, spinach is an excellent source of vitamins A and K while cashew nuts offer fats and proteins. Additionally, consuming variety of food that contain micronutrients such as vitamins A, K, proteins, fats and fibre can help in growth and development. It is endorsed that by taking diverse foods a man can get all the supplements necessitates without conveying high risks of sustenance deficiencies.
The survey also provides evidence on the role of food-diversity in maintaining proper gut health. Dietary habits require a diverse range of food sources that in turn create a rich Gut microbiome which is the bacteria found in the colon. Complex sciences found good gut bacteria to be associated with better digestion process, strong immune system, as well as protection from chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes. Taking more fruits and vegetables, whole grain products and fermented foods and products can promote the growth of healthy bacteria hence enhancing gut and overall health.
Environmental Sustainability
Food diversity also affects the health of the environment as well as personal health. Monoculture farming, where farmers harness a single type of crop to large fields, has negative effects such as soil erosion. On the other hand, agricultural practices such as poly--crop and agro-forestry, are similar to natural environments and integrate the ecosystems.
Diversification of farming practices can lead to the improvement of the health status of the soil through cycling as well as check land erosion. They also cater for other pollinators and other beneficial insects that play equally important roles in the ecological systems of the world. Moreover, various crops are not as dependent on chemical such as pesticide or fertilizer therefore, lowering the impact on farming.
Resilience to Climate Change
Food diversification helps build climate change vulnerability from the aspect of food production diversification. Climate change remains a severe threat to global food security because weather conditions, rainfall, and temperature affect agriculture. Diversification of the crops grown on the farms ensures that risk is well spread so that there can be high chances of the farmers to produce well even under unfavourable conditions.
Traditional and indigenous farming systems often exemplify food diversity and resilience. These relatively lengthy developed systems often encompass all sort of crops and livestock species. Not only do they keep culture alive but also give lessons on how to manage change that exists in the environment.
Economic and Social Benefits
Certain food diversification can as well promote economic growth and improve food security. Different farming practices can offer farmers a more than one source of income which minimizes on the economic risks. Local food helps the regional economy because it aims at promoting indigenous and traditional foods in the marketplace. It can help create a culture of togetherness, people feel set apart, it preserves cultural values, and enhances unity.
Additionally, different diets are useful to establish because some foods cannot be imported and can be a problem in case the supply is threatened. Of key importance to food security is the capacity to incorporate local foods and short food supply chains that surrounds a certain region.
Policy and Practice
The fact that food diversity is achievable means that people have to make great efforts at all levels. The interlocking institutional frameworks can assist diverse systems of agriculture through policy incentives, research and development, as well as extension services and physical infrastructure. People need to be educated for them to change their perception and embrace the variety of diets and to support local producers.
IFPRI is a research oriented, international non-profit organization that aims to promote agricultural innovation and policy changes and improve the livelihoods of poor people in developing countries through improved agriculture. IFPRI was established in 1975 and is housed within the CGIAR, the biggest consortium of agricultural research institutions in the world. The Institute has its base in Washington D.C and has branch offices in Africa, Latin American and the Caribbean, and South Asia.
Mission and Vision
IFPRI’s work focuses on using research to help improve policies that will effectively and sustainably reduce poverty and hunger and address malnutrition. The disciplines in which the institute has a particular interest include agricultural economics, political economy, rural poverty, social protection, women, food environments, digital and policy analysis.
Research and Impact
According to its mandate, the institute undertakes its research in close cooperation with policymakers, academics, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and development practitioners. Due to IFPRI research millions of people benefited from social protection programs, market liberalisation and agriculture with limited achievements in Latin America.
Regional and Country Programs
IFPRI has regional and country programs to address national calls for food policy analysis and improve research and analytical capacity in the countries of focus. The institution has offices in Bangladesh, China, and Myanmar in addition to its regional headquarters in South Asia, mostly in India. These programs promote development through country systems and facilitate sustainable change across the food systems.
Partnership and Collaboration
IFPRI engages with over 300 local, regional, and national partner across the research and policy continuum. The institute benefits from funding from over 185 donors; national governments, multilateral funding agencies, as well as private foundations. By fostering these linkages, IFPRI seeks to turn knowledge into policy practice and change that can support food security and nutrition impact.
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Researches (CGIAR)
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is an international network of organizations supporting research for food secure world. Formed in 1971, CGIAR executes programs through 15 centres and it coordinates with thousands of other partners around the world. Its mission is to design and implement science and innovation for improved agriculture, lowered poverty, better food and nutrition security, and improved natural resources and ecosystems.
Mission and Vision
The CGIAR delivers this work under the following areas of focus: food systems research, land and water systems research, and technology development for a climate crisis. CGIAR has made a vision of supporting and creating sustainable inclusive agricultural systems that will make nutrition security achievable, healthier life and improved livelihoods and building natural resources.
Research and Impact
Some of the existing research conducted by CGIAR covers agriculture, and it is concentrated in a few areas such as breeding and traits, land and water management, climate and environment, nutrition and health among others. CGIAR’s efforts have also contributed positively to appropriating increased agricultural productivity, with strong positive impacts on smallholder farmers who are and continue to be affected globally. Sustenance of yield with better quality seeds, better farming methods knowledge of IPM has helped improve yield as has helped the farmers enhance their income levels.
CGIAR has created high yielding and disease resistant crops to feed the world’s population a major breakthrough which food security draws from. The organization’s work on climate-smart agriculture helps farmers adjust to the current climatic variations with appropriate measures taken towards agricultural business.
Global Partnerships
CGIAR follows a joint system whereby it works with partners from national agricultural research systems, universities, international organizations and the private sector. These partnerships are necessary for development and implementation of innovation solutions across various settings in agriculture. With support from its partners, CGIAR make sure to deliver its research findings in a way that will create a lasting difference in the world’s food systems.
Future Directions
Going forward, CGIAR has pledged itself to mandate areas, namely Climate; Nutrition, and Environment. The organization will endeavour to bring its research in synergy with wider policy and development agendas so that it contributes towards attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). CGIAR’s package of innovation, collaboration, and sustainability will remain at the center of efforts to form stable food supplies.
Measures India Should take to Make Food Diverse and Address Malnutrition
Overcoming malnutrition in India can only be done by incorporating a complex set of solutions that help improve the food portfolios in the country. Here are several steps that India should take to achieve this goal:
Growing multi-harvested crops is essential for increasing food perishability as it will make consumers to eat diversely. India needs to focus on the development of traditional crops of indigenously origin including millets, pulses, fruits and vegetables. Such crops are usually endowed with very essential nutrients and can grow under any weather conditions. The government must back farmers in the production of a variety of foods which should not rely on staple foods such as rice and wheat.
Strengthen Local Food Systems
Local food support can thereby boost the variety of better quality food and increase their availability to the populace. India needs to put its money into value chains that link small farmers to end consumers as indicated by the absence of fresh produce in the markets. Moreover, concepts like farmers’ markets and CSA as literals produce farm-to-table models because such initiatives enable farmers and consumers to communicate with each other thus encouraging consumption of a variety of foods produced within the region.
Implement Nutrition-Sensitive Agricultural Programs
Including nutrition objectives in the agricultural programmes is a way of countering malnutrition. India has to come up with policies that address the production of nutrient rich foods with special encouragement on kitchen gardening and bio fortification. Nutrient enhanced crops, better known as bio fortified crops, hold a great promise to alleviate micronutrient deficiencies.
Improve on the Food Fortification and Supplementation programme
Food fortification and supplementation is therefore useful when micronutrient deficiencies have been diagnosed. India needs to extend its efforts at fortification to include not only the cereal grain but other food items which people consume in large quantities – these should be fortified with necessary vitamins and minerals. However, selective supplementation aimed at selected risk groups, including pregnant women and children, will be effective in that aspect.
Spread Dietary Knowledge and Inform
There is need to sensitize people on the need to take diverse diets in order to transform the current eating habits. In India, there should be large community nutrition programmes that educate the masses on the need to take diverse foods in their diet. Places where organizations such as schools, community centres, and health clinics can use information, education, communication on Balanced Diets and Healthy Eating.
Strengthen Social Safety Nets
Enhancing social protection measures can enhance consumption of a wide and healthy diet by the vulnerable citizens. It also means that in order to reflect the nutrient density of the diet, programmes like PDS that are currently in operation in India and the ICDS must offer a diverse range of foods.