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What is Space Debris?


Space debris, or space junk, refers to an unwanted collection of man-made objects and remnants in orbit around the Earth. It includes old satellites, used rocket boosters, fragments from destruction, wear and tear, collision, in addition to lost tools and many other related mission litterage. Such items have multiplied as a direct result of space research activities which started in 1957 and the continuous aggravation of the situation has only aggravated concerns over the feasibility and viability of space initiatives. Space debris could range from as large an object as this outmoded Envisat satellite launched in 2002 to paint flecks the size of a human hair.

How Does Junk Get Into Space?

Space litter, or space debris, is one of the undesirable consequences of space related activities. Such debris comprises of dead satellites, abandoned rocket boosters and destroyed fragments due to disintegration, corrosion and contact impacts. It is therefore important for us to understand how this debris ends up in space with a view of developing ways for dealing with ever increasing incidences of space debris.

Launches and Missions

  • Rocket Launches: With each rocket launch come various ‘debris’ in form of boosters, fairings and inter-stages. These parts are jettisoned once the spacecraft has utilized them and just hover aimlessly around in space as space junk. For example, the booster segments of rockets used to launch satellites into orbit are often shed and allowed to gyro around the Earth.
  • Satellite Deployment: Satellites, on the other hand, are on orbit for a certain amount of time only. As soon as they are no longer used, the satellite is considered space debris. Such satellites fade away on orbits and remain a threat to future and currently functioning satellites and space vehicles.

Fragmentation Events

  • Collisions: When satellites come into contact or two debris areas, they might disintegrate into thousands of portions. These collisions while infrequent are likely to greatly raise the number of space debris in orbit. For instance, in 2009, an operational Iridium communication satellite and a dead Russian satellite produced thousands of new fragments.
  • Explosions: Satellites and rocket stages can explode because of the remaining fuel or a battery problem. The size of these fragments helps in creating a new set for the space debris issue since there are several of them. Such events have been a major cause of space debris on Earth’s orbit.

Erosion and Deterioration

  • Micrometeoroid Impacts: Micrometeoroids impact spacecraft and satellites throughout their operation. These very small particles can abrade and produce smaller granular material particles. In the process, space debris piles up after a long time and creates a serious concern for astronauts and space exploration.
  • Thermal Stress: In space conditions fluctuation of temperature is drastic and due to this cause, the material used may degrade. It can cause degradation and ultimately result to shedding of some small particles which are part of the debris.

Human Activities

  • Anti-Satellite Tests: It was also done by some countries which tested anti-satellite (ASAT) where a country sends a missile and destroys own satellite. These tests therefore give rise to thousands of debris fragments that greatly aggravate the space debris issue. These include one by China in 2007.
  • Discarded Tools and Equipment: Cosmonauts lose their equipment during the space missions and the lost equipment goes to orbiting unwanted space debris. For instance, in 2008, an astronaut spent a tool bag during their spacewalk that stayed in orbit for several months before incinerating itself during the re-entry.

Why is Space Junk Potentially Dangerous?

Orbital or space debris constitutes a major threat to both active space exploration as well as the future of space travel. Some of the debris which constitutes spacearedead satellites, rocket phases and fragments emanating from satellite explosions, corrosion and impacts. Here’s why space junk is potentially dangerous:

High-Speed Collisions

Orbital debris moves at speeds of over 8 kilometres per second. At such velocities, even partial remains can lead to a disastrous accident. Even an impact from a tiny chip of paint might result in a pit on the surface of a spacecraft while large debris can ravage a satellite or spacecraft. The amount of kinetic energy involved on such impacts is tremendous, so any object, spacecraft or space debris is a threat in this domain.

Threat to Human Spaceflight

Crewed spaceflight is especially at risk from space debris, especially when astronauts are aboard the International Space Station (ISS) or other similar expeditions. The space station does carry out avoidance actions to avoid hitting space debris most of the time. Even small size of the debris hitting the vehicle might be fatal, threatening the lives of astronauts and possible loss of the orbital station.

Effect on the Satellites Business

Communications, meteorology, navigation systems, and scientific investigations all require satellites. Thus, these satellites are at risk of space debris. Accidents can destroy satellites and hence cut short important services offered to the society. Further, satellite operators are often forced to carry out avoidance manoeuvres, which otherwise deplete fuel and shorten the life span of satellites. This enhances the cost and level of complication associated with satellite missions.

Obstacle for future space mission

Space debris has becomes an increasing problem to astronomy due to the increasing amount of objects that fills up the space around the Earth. The vulnerability of launching new missions also rises as debris density grows. It could thus slow down scientific exploration, business ventures and national defence that rely on space resources. The additional risk and expense for minimizing debris could have the effect of reducing the pace of space expansion.

Environmental Concerns

They also have environmental impacts. When they return to the envelope, or the thermosphere, debris becomes a danger again in regards to impacts for man. Most objects disintegrate into ashes as they re-enter hence any big size object can extend its travel down to the earth and endangers human life and buildings. Second, space debris problem isa major type of pollution that affects the space surrounding the Earth.

Consequences for Satellites and Spacecraft

  • Collision Hazards: Consequently, the main problem of space debris is the collision. The current deployed satellites and spacecraft are always vulnerable to space debris and a collision can destroy or severely damage it. This risk is most apparent in LEO environments that most satellites exist in.
  • Operational Challenges: Satellite operators are therefore forced to do debris avoidance manoeuvres. These postures demand energy and deteriorate the working cycle of satellites, complicating and costing sat ill-spent.
  • Threat to Human Spaceflight: Lunar orbit litter can be a danger to manned lunar missions. The ISS means International Space Station has to manoeuvre or employ so called ‘space hygiene’ and avoid flying through space debris on constant basis. An impact with even a tiny fragment could prove fatal for the ISS or any other spacecraft with human occupants.
  • Effect on Future Space Voyage: The increased number of such objects will prevent the further advancement of space exploration. The probability of the new satellites/missions being destroyed rises as the density of space debris raises; the launch hence becomes expensive. This can be disadvantageous to highly specialized fields such as scientific research, space-based commerce or businesses or security initiatives that require space infrastructure.

Measures Recommended to Abate Space Debris

Orbital debris or in simple terms space junk represents a major challenge to the emergence and sustenance of space industry. The exponential rate at which satellites, spent rocket stages and fragments from satellite disintegration and colliding objects continues to accumulate enhances the vulnerability of other satellites, space crafts and future missions. Here are some innovative and effective strategies to mitigate space debris:

Active Debris Removal (ADR)

  • Robotic Arms and Nets: Robotic arms and nets are being currently designed to grab and enmesh huge fragments that can be used to clear orbits. These systems can lock on to deads, satellites or rocket boosters launching them either into the planets or withdrawing them into safer orbits.
  • Harpoons and Tethers: Harpoons can used to pierce and collect debris, tethers can be hooked and pull debris and bring it into the atmosphere where it will be incinerated upon its attempt to return to earth. These methods are good for large debris in view of collision hazards with other objects in a spacecraft.
  • Laser Systems: They can either be ground based or spaces based lasers and can be used to steer the object out of the orbit path.

Improved Satellite Design

  • End-of-Life Disposal Plans: Launch vehicles and satellites should be developed with the consideration of disposal at the end of life cycle. This also entails making sure that satellite can be actively controlled to either deorbit, or go to a graveyard orbit, once their useful operational lifetime is up. Such designs are useful in removing dead satellites and making sure that they will not become part of more extended space debris.
  • Passivation: Passivation is a process of demilitarization where any kind of energy remaining on satellites and rocket stages is safely eliminated in order to avoid such disasters. This encompasses purging residual fuel and shedding battery charge as this minimizes formation of fragments and extension of debris.
  • Modular Design: Integrated architecture means that a satellite can be composed of modules to enable easy replacement of any damaged component. This may help to maximise the useful life of satellites and thus decrease the occasions that altogether new ones are launched into space, thus less chances of developing new debris.

Supreme Integrated Collision Avoidance and Tracking

  • Enhanced Tracking Systems: The efficient tracking system is also capable of tracking the movements of space debris and their future behaviour. By ensuring that debris location is well determined, satellites’ operators can counteract by shifting the satellite’s position early enough to avoid collisions. For this purpose advanced radar and optical systems are essential.
  • Automated Collision Avoidance: To decrease response time and improve accuracy of the manoeuvres, the strategies for collision avoidance could be fully automated. These systems are capable of employing real time data in order to self-navigate the satellite and eliminate risky and lengthy operations.
  • Space Traffic Management: It is clear that cooperation with other countries is critical to managing the space traffic. Forming standards and main contact points between satellites ‘masters’ can help to organize their movements and avoid contacts.

Policy and International Cooperation

  • International Guidelines: Even though the large population of space debris is in the Earth orbit, for efficient space operations it is necessary to adhere to the guidelines which are recognized at the international level like the one adopted by the IADC. These guidelines give recommendations on the ways of avoiding generation of space debris.
  • National Policies: Governments of the nations should coordinate for policies that command compliance on debris controls. For instance, the US has published the National Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan containing measures for solving orbital debris problems.
  • Global Collaboration: Space is the commons of the world and removal of space debris is a process that needs coordination of the countries of the world. The issue of space debris requires joint efforts from nations and space agencies to devise and implement mandatory regulation for its elimination. This also means the sharing of statistics, technology and processes that have worked for other organizations.


This space debris poses a tremendous threat to the survivability of space operations in the forthcoming years. These numbers are the reason that space junk threatens satellites and space missions, as well as humans in space. Solving such a problem is only possible through new technologies, better satellites, and collaboration of world leaders. With such action, it is possible to maintain the effect from space exploration and satellite operation for the further generations.
