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Dr. S. Jaishankar at the General Debate of the 79th UN Assembly


On September 28, 2024, the India External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar spoke at the general debate of the 79th Meeting of the United Nations Assembly. Speaking of the most critical problems in the contemporary world, he outlined India’s position on each of them in his speech. Indian position for the issues discussed by Dr. S. Jaishankar embraces a wide range of the vision and strategies on the contemporary problems and the world development perspectives, safety and stability. Here are the key points raised by external affairs minister:

  1. Global Challenges: Jaishankar highlighted the aggressive current global problems such as the pandemic aftermath, the war in Ukraine, and the Gaza conflict. He stressed that these problems resulted in division of people and society as well the split of the world.
  2. UN Reform: He has urged the need to transform the United Nations with particular reference to the Security Council as a way of capturing the ideas of today’s world. He insisted that the world is evolving and so is the UN as well as the issues which world focuses on.
  3. Vulnerable Groups: In his speech, Jaishankar also talked about how India is supporting and uplifted weaker sections of the society as the women, farmers and the youths. He talked about other projects which are offering some of the basic amenities such as water, electricity and shelter that is giving new face lift to millions of people.
  4. Gender Equality: The minister pointed to India’s desire to further reduce the differences in health, education and employment between men and women. He said this includes a financial package for food producers, and skill development to promote employment and enterprise.
  5. Pakistan Issue: The outstanding issue which Jaishankar discussed was the “Pakistan problem” and said that the action like cross-border-terrorism will not be without its cost. He also said that India will not allow such activities to happen.
  6. Global Cooperation: He urged leaders across the world to improve the co-ordination of various processes to tussle challenges such as the unfair trading that endangers jobs and development. He also touched on the need to apply frameworks that are easily reproducible in governance and public service delivery so that people get access to health and medicines easily.
  7. Support for Global Initiatives: Jaishankar reiterated India’s support to different international processes such as the Summit for Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats and the Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Treaty.

Expansive exploration of India's position on these pivotal topics

Global Challenges

  1. Pandemic Aftermath: The current COVID-19 global outbreak revealed various weaknesses in healthcare systems and the global economy. India has implemented strategies to manage the crisis on two levels – internal and global. Globally, India initiated one of the biggest vaccination drives in the country and worked to create vaccines for the large number of its people. India supports vaccine and health care equality for all nations and says that no nation should be left behind while combating global health crises.
  2. War in Ukraine and Conflict in Gaza: In the recent past India has been very vocal about the use of diplomatic mechanisms to fight battles and wars. India has not taken any side based on its own worldview or geopolitical interests, but rather it has followed the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and non-intervention. With reference to the situation in Ukraine, India has urged to stop fighting and resume dialogue. As for Gaza, India only advocate for the two-state solution where both the Palestinians and the Israeli deserve to live in peace and equally deserve to enjoy protections.

UN Reform

India has been very much active in calling for reforms in the United Nations and not least of which is the expansion and transformation of the Security Council. The current structure involves small independent states as dominant members that were configured shortly after the Second World War while the modern world is vastly different. India reasons that emergent powers and the developing world need to be involved in the institution in order for the organization to be legitimate and functional. With a population of over 1.4 billion and being the largest democracy of the world along with having largest contribution to the UN peace keeping force India certainly falls in right dictionary for the permanent membership of Security Council. Solutions imply changes, which should bring the UN closer to the principles of democracy and global political reality, and make it more fit in order to meet contemporary challenges.

The current structure that directly stems from the events that took place after World War II is considered to be irrelevant and does not correspond to the modern world process. In addition to it India, together with other G4 countries (Brazil, Germany and Japan), wants to increase the number of permanent members, as well as create new categories of non-permanent members in the Security Council. The idea is to make it possible that the Security Council meets those challenges successfully, and responds to crises with less obscured legitimacy and more openness.

Empowering Vulnerable Groups

The domestic policies of India have been a major emphasize of social welfare of minority and marginalized sections of societies such as Women, farmers and youths.

  • Women: Schemes in place such as Beti Bachao Beti Padhao basically uphold action against gender bias and supporting girl education and rights. Utility schemes such as Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana offering free LPG connections to women belonging to BPL households, results in promotion of health and relieve from traditional cooking fuels load.
  • Farmers: Agricultural reforms have been a way to improve the farmer’s income and standards in the industry. Several of the programmes are: PM-KISAN which grants direct, cash incentive to the farmers in their Bank accounts through DBT. All acts of modernizing agriculture, proper irrigation and right price for crops shows Indian government’s concern for agriculture.
  • Youth: Carrying out skills development, educational transformation, and encouraging enterprise creation is the way to help the demographic dividend and empower youths in the economy. They are already implementing the concept of innovation through Make in India and Start-up India to generate employment.

Gender Equality

The government of India has been promoting policies on improving women health, education and their integration into the workforce. India's worries about women are demonstrated by laws like the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act and policies like raising the maternity leave from 12 to 26 weeks. It notes financial inclusion programme like Jan Dhan Yojana have supported women financially, through account access and capital. Other measures that have been undertaken to improve women employment includes skills development as well as information product development meant for women entrepreneurs. The Indian government acknowledges that equality for women is both an objective in its own right and a means to other development objectives.

Pakistan Issue

When it comes to Pakistan, there is more than just words from India that the cross-border terrorism has to stop in order to establish the much necessary stability in the region. India has been urging Pakistan to stop using their territory for terrorism activities of their choice for a long time now. They say that Indian strategy is based on diplomacy and a strong defence system. The revocation of the status of the state as a protected region with the special protection given through Article 370 was the steps that require integration for the region. India also is trying to develop better borders security measures and improving counter terrorism features. The message is clear: India will prevent terrorists and have actions to support these statements.

Global Cooperation

India calls for unity to fight what it says are unfair trade practices that are disruptive and detrimental to development in the country. The country has support the Multilateral trading system which provides for fair and equal trading environment for all countries. India stresses on the need to focus on the issue of the least developed countries and equity in international trade system. The International Solar Alliance under which India co-founded is such an effort aimed at utilizing international cooperation in aptly addressing global issues such as the Climate change. India also supports strengthening of international cooperation in different spheres of global governance, such as cyber security, combating terrorism and disease control.

Global Projects Support

The support of India to various global programmes proofs its readiness instigate international cooperation as well as achievement of sustainable development.

  • Synthetic Drug Threats: India understands that the threat of synthetic drugs is increasing day by day, and supports the world in this fight. The country supports an increased emphasis on the global cooperation in the areas such as regulation and law enforcement, Public health in the fight against synthetic drugs.
  • Biodiversity beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Treaty: Indian support for BBNJ Treaty shows that it supports the conservation of marine species and its rational use of sea resources. Indian international law develops awareness of the need to protect the high seas since the high seas constitutes a balance of the world’s ecology and supports economic activities such as fishing, ship navigation, among others. A key goal of the BBNJ Treaty is to evolve guidelines for the sustainable management of the biological benefits in the ABNJ while promoting the equitable sharing of the benefits derived from Marine genetic resources.
  • Climate Change: India, for example, speaks as a leader on climate change negotiations pushing the agenda of those countries with higher historical emissions accountability. The country has made remarkable progress in the utilization of renewable energy especially solar energy, has set lofty goals of inclusive reductions of carbon emissions. India has also pledged net-zero emissions by 2070 and laid out a detailed long-term strategy to decarbonise the economy with considerable detail.

Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief

Currently, India remains a reliable humanitarian assistance and disaster relief donor, which actions can be explained by its effective response to natural disasters and emergencies both within the country and abroad. India supports disaster stricken, disease hit, and war ravaged countries both financially and in kind. Humanitarian aid for the country is Non-Interventionism, independence and neutrality to serve the human dignity. India demonstrates real strong capabilities and structure in the management of disasters; hence it would be in a vantage position to mobilize and offer support to the affected people or region.

Promotion of democracy and good governance

India has been committed towards creating values of democracy and good governance as evident from its pursuit and patronage for democratic bodies and experiment in other nations. India as the largest Democratic country in the world contributes through sharing of experiences and knowledge in electoral activities and management, public administration, civil law and other related matters with other counties. In recent years India affirmed itself as a global actor that contributes to the processes in the international organisations and widely supports the strengthening of democratization and the protection of human rights worldwide. The country’s foreign policy targets the enhancement of democratic governance, political, economic, transparency and accountability of the international system.

Technology and Knowledge Management

India recognizes the power of digital innovation and information technology to accelerate improvements that benefit the economy and promote sustainable development.The country has deployed a range of digital technologies to support governance, services delivery and citizen engagement. Proposals like Digital India are expected to close the digital gap and provide physical and electronic infrastructure and service for everyone. Currently India supports ‘open international cooperation’ on topics like cyber security, governance of the data and the appropriate use of artificial intelligence. The country has embraced policies that would foster equitable new digital economy for all nations and more importantly that could help foster equitable prosperity for all countries in the future.

Strengthening Multilateralism

Multilateralism is fully enshrined in India as shown in its active engagement in International Organizations and multilateral Forums. The country is committed internationalism understanding of which the rules-based order has ideal variables that promote peace, security and development. It may be noted that India has consistently supported the reform of multilateral systems including, the UN, WTO, WHO and others with the intention of making them more efficient and equitable. The country recognizes challenges facing the international community and stress the international cooperation and solidarity for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


India has observed a strategic approach as presented on the current global challenges in the speech by Dr. S. Jaishankar at the United Nations General Assembly. Explaining the UN reforms, driving for gender equality, countering cross border terrorism, supporting initiatives at the global level and many more commitments are some manifestations of India’s belief that the world should remain peaceful. India being a responsible and an active member of the international community remains an active participant in the forging of a mutually beneficial global order. The goals imply the desire of India to work on establishing just, liberal, and sustainable world order in which outcomes of development processes are to be equal and accessible to all actors.
