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PM-10 Point Plan to Strengthen ASEAN-India Comprehensive Partnership


Prime Minister Narendra Modi released a comprehensive 10-point agenda chart to give a boost to the ASEAN-India relation. Discussed at the 21st ASEAN-India Summit in Vientiane Laos the nuts and bolts of this strategic endeavour stresses the need to advance relations between the two regions, India and ASEAN. The Principal objectives and expected outcomes have been outlined to shore up linkages, operational connectivity, and strategic cooperation with ASEAN countries as per India’s core policy of steadfast engagement with ASEAN nation. The interpretation of the 10 pointes of the PM is listed below as:

1. Improving Trade and the Economic Relationship

Another of the flagships of PM Modi’s plan is the deepening of India-ASEAN economic cooperation with the focus on FTAs. Trade has more than doubled in the last decade to reach over $135 billion. Seeking to realize a far deeper economic value of this partnership, Prime Minister Modi stated that New Delhi is to conduct a reassessment of the trade in goods. This review is therefore meant to remove existing hitches, simplify the existing and come up with a business environment that is optimal for any business.

2. Promoting Connectivity

There is, therefore, the need for countries to strengthen their relations in order to improve their connectivity and productivity. His vision includes strengthening of logistics-both physical and digital and people to people connect as far as India-ASEAN relations are concerned. This will entail enhancement processes like infrastructure development including; transportation like roads, railways and harbour; Information super high ways connectivity for efficient communication and data sharing.


3. Strengthening Resilience

In view of the current challenges in the application of globalization uncertainties as well as natural disasters, world leaders like PM Modi has therefore given focus on construction of such resilience. This comprises of increasing the capacity for disaster preparedness, exchanging information and knowledge on disaster response and coming up with the disaster alert systems. When a crisis occurs, the likelihood of each nation being able to protect their citizens will be improved when working in close cooperation with the other.

4. Fostering Innovation and Technology

Technology and innovation form the core subject of development and growth in any economy. In his meeting, PM Modi made mention of measures aimed at spurring cooperation across fields including AI, cyber security, and digital economy and innovation. These include the Start-up Festival and the Hackathons in order to foster innovation and enterprising culture among the youth in India as well as other South –East Asian nation. Through coordinated and industrial innovation, both the regions must take advantages and opportunities created by the emergent technologies and reducing the threats and chances jointly.

5. Promoting Cultural and Educational Dialogue

Cultural and educational exchanges are critical in fostering people to people relations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s plan involves tripling the current number of scholarships offered to ASEAN students to study at Nalanda University. Further, he put forth to celebrate the year 2025 as ASEAN-India Year of Tourism in which India said it would spend USD 5 million in a bilateral way. The following activities have to be commenced with the view of increasing appreciation between the people of India and that of ASEAN, peculiar cultural features, and long-standing camaraderie.

6. An Insight to Sustainability

Sustainable development is an area of interest that is of mutual interest between both, India and ASEAN. These were reasons that PM Modi highlighted when signing a memorandum of understanding in the conservation of environment, climate change and sustainable management of resources. These are, preservation of the bio-diversity, the use of renewable resources, and sustainable use of natural resources such as those used in agriculture. Therefore, through synergy of efforts with reference to development of sustainable energy for a better future, India and ASEAN are well positioned for this mission.

7. Enhancing the Cooperation in the Maritime Domain

There was an indication that the maritime cooperation is crucial in guaranteeing order and stability in the region. PM Modi’s approach comprises increasing cooperation in a variety of fields to include maritime security cooperation and cooperation in search and rescue operations, control of unlawful activities afloat and other security measures. By enhancing its maritime cooperation, India can surely enhance the cooperation and interests of ASEAN and the rule based order in the Indian Ocean region in the long term.

8. Enhancing Health Cooperation

Health cooperation is best illustrated by the current COVID-19 pandemic. PM Modi suggested ideas for increasing cooperation in the field of health such as cooperation on discovering diseases, cooperation on building capabilities and cooperation on sharing experiences of working and functioning of a healthy population. Having a cooperative relationship between India and ASEAN would benefit both parties in enhancing their health systems and increase their health care access while preparing for any emergent health crises in advance.

9. Promoting Peace and Stability

Open peace is the basis for the development of any territory since stability is one of the most important conditions. Mr. Modi, pointed out that the principles under which mutual respect of the national integrity and sovereignty of the other party lies in cooperation. He urged people to sit down and sort out their disagreements and differences regarding the conflicts throughout the region. Both the India and ASEAN must strive to support peace and stability to enhance economic growth of the region.

10. Developing Institutional Capacity

To make sure that these measures are applied effectively, the plan of PM Modi covers enhancement of institutional framework of communication and coordination. Initiatives for cooperation include: the Strengthening of ASEAN India Network of Think Tanks; increase the frequency of summits and dialogues at the highest political level; and the development of forums for stakeholders. The improvement of institutional arrangements will enable cooperation, surveillance and assessment of multilateral activities to be enhanced.

Sustaining ASEAN-India Comprehensive Partner Hooked on to PM Modi’s 10-point agenda of taking this Strategic Partnership with the ASEAN countries to newer heights, is elementary to comprehend. Fostering improved trade relations, integration, readiness, creativity, cultural dialect, and sustainable integration, and maritime diplomacy, health compact, peace and institutional framework this plan seeks to develop a strong and active relation. Such initiatives when executed by India and AESEAN shall open various possibilities, solve multifaceted problems as well as develop a better future for its citizens.

India-ASEAN Relations: Making of Peace, Progress, Prosperity

There has a long-standing relation of trade, culture and defence between India and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Over the years the bi-lateral partnership has developed in to multi-faceted with trade and commercial cooperation, security, connectivity and people to people contact.India-ASEAN relation is not only essential to Indo-Pacific region strategy but is a foundation of ASEAN’s strategic outlook to the northeast.

Historical and Cultural Ties

India historically had a long relationship with the context that is at least thousand years old marked by interaction, cultural interchanges and trade. In the ancient period of Indian history it was the Chola dynasty and the Guptas that started trading with the countries of the Southeast Asian region which helped to take Hinduism and Buddhism to these regions. Historical and modern writings, architecture, sculpture and inscriptions found in the temple, and remaining literatures in Indonesia and Southeast Asia bear testimony to this fact. Ramayana, Buddhism, and connection through language have make linkages with ASEAN countries stronger.

Historical Development of India-ASEAN Relations

India-ASEAN cooperation is relatively recent and dates from the early 1990s as India opened up its economy, and began cooperating more closely with its counterpart regional organisation. India was granted sectorial dialogue partner status in 1992 which means India joined ASEAN after a structured and formal manner. This relationship has been upgraded to the Full Dialogue Partner in 1996 and still further to Summit-level in 2002. The existing economic integration was complimented by the ASEAN-India FTA in goods signed in 2009.

Bilateral relationships in military and security cooperation

The last few years have, however, pointed to the rise of the strategic aspect of the relationship between India and ASEAN. India and ASEAN countries respect each other as parties aware of the need of exercise of peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. India, as is true with most countries in the region, shares ASEAN’s centrality in the regional architecture, and engages in activities within the ASEAN framework, such as the ARF, EAS, ADMM-Plus etc.Collaboration in marine security is a crucial domain of partnership due to the significance of the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea. The two sides have conducted naval exercise, maritime security patrols, and capacity-building measures to improve the awareness of the multiply and free uses of seas and air space.

Economic and Trade Relations

Currently, the economic relations between India and ASEAN are promising, and in recent years, trade turnover has exceeded $ 130 billion. It has examined how the FTAs particularly the ASEAN-India FTA in goods, services and investment, have supported regionalization. India is also a key participant in the ASEAN initiatives towards fostering the AEC that is being established towards establishing a single market and production base.

To deepen the economic cooperation, PM Narendra Modi stated the government for consideration of measures to overcome obstacles to trade and share the same for improving ease of doing business. A shift of focus is towards increasing the variety of trade and investments and exploration of the potential in new growth opportunities including digital economy and innovation and start-up businesses.

Connectivity and infrastructure

Upgrading of connections is integral to sustaining the stronger relationship between India and ASEAN. Other INA projects include the India Myanmar Bangladesh Trilateral Highway, and the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project that is meant to enhance free movement of people and goods. They are expected to develop economic zones that bring together the North Eastern Region of India and the South Eastern Region ofpeninsula, South East Asia region as a whole.

The second major area of cooperation is digital connectivity that also includes widening broadband networks, raising awareness of digital and advancing cyber-security cooperation. The same is in keeping with the vision of a digitally connected and a more integrated Indo-Pacific region.


Cultural exchanges and interpersonal interactions are fundamental to the bilateral relationship between India and ASEAN. Indian government has launched several measures to embark on cultural diplomacy, such as launching the ASEAN-India Cultural Exchange Programme, the Celebration of ASEAN-India Year of Friendship and setting up of ASEAN-India Centre to enhance the scope of academic and cultural partnership.

Scholarships and fellowships have also been provided to stimulate educational exchanges between ASEAN and India, students from ASEAN are offered places in Indian universities. The recent statement from Prime Minister Modi that the number of scholarships for the ASEAN students at the Nalanda University will be doubled is an evidence of the commitment of India to establish the linkages in education.

Tourism remains another unexplored segments with the nearly endless opportunities for the industry’s development. Tourism flows have been pulled into focus to increase as ASEAN and India deliberate marking 2025 as the ASEAN-India Year of Tourism for which India will extend $5 million for combined efforts.

Sustainable development and climate action

India and ASEAN both are committed for sustainable development and climate change. Areas of cooperation include: Global Environment Facility (GEF), Special Climates Funds (SCF), and environment and sustainable development related projects. Sustainable resilience has also been exemplified by the wide support provided by India to ASEAN countries to set up capacities in response and preparedness to disaster occurrences.

PM Modi's conception of "Future Forward Sustainable and Secure ASEAN" is based on mutual cooperation between two regions towards conservation of biological diversity, combating climate change and encouraging sustainable use of natural resources. This is in tune with international standard on sustainability and supports the collective need to preserve the environment for use by future generations.

Issues and Reversible Development

However, it will be relevant to mention that despite the improvements in the relation between India and ASEAN there are still many issues to be dealt with. The balances of payments, resolution of infrastructural constraints, and the management of connectivity projects matter greatly. Besides, it was understood that tensions in the geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific region persist and needs to be actively discuss and act to sustain peace and stability.There is a lot in prospect for the further development of the relations between India and Association of South-East Asian Nations. In the 21st ASEAN-India Summit, Prime Minister Modi jointly presented the 10-point plan which easily depicts the strategies of closer ties in number of fields. Trade, connection, technological, cultural, and sustainability, all these aspects can be improved through co-operation and by covering each other’s weakness.


India-ASEAN relations are vast for centuries, have strong economic links and are strategic partners. Though both regions face numerous challenges that emanate from the 21st century political economy, their relations form a stable political structure and wealth creation economic base in the Asia-Pacific region. These related structures are Sustainable Development Objectives, Cross-Cutting Solutions, Shared Worth, and Blueprints and Arrangements, together with the co-drafted India-ASEAN Structure.
