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How Many IAS Officers are Selected Every Year?


Civil Services Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) of India is one of the most popular and competitive examination in Indian soil. It acts as the platform for various civil services like the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and Indian Foreign Service (IFS). This demanding examination is taken by candidates of different profile and field of study, who wish to become civil servants, and thus, contribute to the country’s governing, legislation and administration. India Administrative Service (IAS) is breathingly considered as one of the premier civil services in the country. These officers are significant entities that are fully involved in formulation of policies, administration of government and social adjustment. But how many of aspirants are able to get dressed into the prestigious IAS uniform every year? Let’s find out.

The Recruitment Process

The IAS is recruited with the help of the Union Public Service Commission which holds the Civil Services Examination in India. This examination is a very challenging and very selective testing that checks prospective students’ scores on medical general studies, aptitude, and an optional subject. The CSE comprises three stages: PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION, or the prelims, MAIN EXAMINATION and the INTERVIEW respectively.

The Magic Number: 180

Out of turn direct recruitment of about 180 candidates gets cleared for the IAS every year following UPSC CSE. These lucky few survive after having a tough process, their way through the face a thousand of other competitors. However, this number actually refers to only the batch of new IAS entrants who have come through the UPSC examination.

The Conferring of IAS

Along with the direct recruits, there is a less heard of concept called ‘Conferred IAS.’ These are senior bureaucrats form state Governments who are taken in the IAS. This was an experience based lateral entry since they already possess adequate experience and understanding of how state administration works. Even though the number of candidates under this category is relatively less when compared to the directly recruited ones, they form a part of IAS cadre.

The Vacancies

The sanctioned strength of IAS officers differs, and position offered through CSE every year differs. The UPSC mentions an estimate of the total available seats in its CSE official notice. Once the recruitment exercise is over, applicants are awarded their actual service places through the final appointment orders that are given by the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India.

A Peek into the Recent Cycle

For instance, in communal service as a whole in 2023, the UPSC released approximately 1105 recognised posts in diverse services such as IAS, IPS, IRS, and IFS. But exactly where in terms of vacancy position, service-wise and category-wise is only announced after the declaration of the final result. In the previous recruitment cycle which was in 2022, the opportunities set for IAS, IPS and IFS were 180, 200 and 38 respectively.


Hence, whether the candidate is looking for the direct entry to IAS or dreaming of being part of the much sought after ‘Conferred IAS’ the road is tough but a rewarding one. These officers are appendages of government who are dedicated to enhancing the wellbeing of millions of people. And let’s not forget that the badge of an IAS officer is earned through hard work, determination and passion to serve the public.

What is the salary of IAS?

IAS or the Indian Administrative Service is one of the three All India services of the government of India. The intending contenders have to cover their best efforts to qualify themselves as the UPSC employee, soon becoming civil servants who are responsible for the serge and important posts of the nation. But what about the remunerations? Let’s break it down:

1. Basic IAS Salary:

  • The basic pay of IAS officer begins at ₹ 56,100. This forms the base on which an IAS officer earns his or her salary.
  • But wait, it does not even end with the basic salary as shall be seen. An IAS officer pays tax is that as he rises through the rank and promotes to higher post, his remuneration is scaled up.

2. Allowances and Perks:

IAS officers are provided many privileges and facilities that add to their remunerations. These can include:

  • Dearness Allowance (DA): A percentage of the basic salary, DA is important in eradicating issues to do with inflation and cost of living adjustments.
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA): IAS officers are paid HRA as per the place of posting and this particular allowance is to cover accommodation cost.
  • Transport Allowance (TA): This allowance caters for fares.
  • Other Benefits: Hospitals, state-owned electricity, and so on.

3. Career Progression:

The salary structure for an IAS officer becomes greatly enhanced as he/she rises through the ranks. Here’s a glimpse of the pay scale based on years of service:

  • Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) / Undersecretary: ₹56,100 (For the officer of 5-8 years of service).
  • District Magistrate / Joint Secretary: ₹1,18,500 (for employees with 13-16 years of service).
  • Divisional Commissioner / Principal Secretary: ₹ 2,05,400 (where employee falls under 25–30years of service)
  • Cabinet Secretary of India (Highest Position): An astonishing amount of ₹2,50,000 per month after serves more than 37 years.

IAS officers are not only loyal to the nation but also have a fulfilling career option. The official remunerations, along with pride and honour that comes with the position, make the IAS preferred option for many candidates.

What is the highest post in IAS?

The IAS is renowned as the flagship of civil services in India; their position is central to functioning. These officers are responsible for framing policies and contemplating, executing plans as well as officially assessing the performance of our administrative system. But there is a hierarchy in the system which is as follows:

Cabinet Secretary: The Apex Position

The Cabinet Secretary occupies the pinnacle with a sense of authority in the IAS Service. This distinguished officer is like commanding conductor who plays the role of a Maestro and helps in synchronizing the co-ordination of many government departments and ministries. Here’s what the Cabinet Secretary does:

  • Advising the Prime Minister: How about being the advisor to the Prime Minister of India and probably the largest democracy in the world? The Cabinet Secretary offers policy advice within the government on issues of national concern.
  • Inter-Ministerial Coordination: Have you ever asked yourself how different ministries function? The Cabinet Secretary ensures that there are no hitches in the working of government ensuring that all the wheels are well oiled.
  • Top Bureaucrat: If bureaucracy in India were a tenor of grand opera, the Cabinet Secretary would be the leading tenor. They chair major league gathering, control over key policies and maintain balance of bureaucratic vessel.

The Journey to the Top

  • Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM): Many a newly recruited IAS officer starts his career as an SDM when he is in his probation. They get trained, oversee the local operations and get to know what real life problems are all about.
  • District Magistrate (DM) or Collector: And in the end of the probation, it is high time to come up. As a DM or Collector, an IAS officer is endowed with fair amount of authority. They enforce and preserve law and order, collect revenues, and administer the district businesses.
  • Divisional Commissioner: Imagine yourself managing an entire department of a state’s administration. That is what a Divisional Commissioner does. It’s also what handles tough stuff, span gap, and rotate the wheel of governance.
  • The Cabinet Secretary: They occupy the highest authority in the IAS Service. They helps in synchronizing the co-ordination of many government departments and ministries.

The Legacy of Civil Servants

Civil servants are the support of our administration. They are carried forward irrespective of political shifts and turn of the decade. Business-friendly, civil servant is about the dedication, perseverance as well as the vein mission to serve the people. So the next time you hear of a Cabinet Secretary, understand that they are not merely a role; they are the orchestral conductors of our government.

Who is more powerful, IAS or IPS?

IAS and IPS are two of the most reputed services in All India Services and both have pivotal responsibility in the executive structure. Although they are similar in some points, they also have different roles, tasks and authority relations. Let’s break it down.

The Indian administrative service

Role and Function: IAS officers are the strength and nerve centre of the government’s administrative system. They engage in formulation, administration and decisions making of policies at central, state and local level.Their work spans across diverse domains: ranging from revenue administration to education, health and infrastructure development.IAS officers performs duties of district collectors, secretary to the government and international postings as well.

Power and Influence: The civil servants of IAS enjoy a lot of power since they control administrative districts and departments.They formulate policies, control resources, set budgets and even implement projects.Their decisions in fact involve millions of citizens and hence the outcome of such decisions affects them directly.

Challenges: They may be hampered by bureaucratic procedures, political intrusions and much institutional chain of command.Political unwavering on one hand and public welfare on the other has always been a delicate line to tread.

The IPS (Indian Police Service)

Role and Function: IPS officers are also involved in maintaining law and order, prevention and detection of crime as well as prevention and protection of life and property. They lead police forces at various levels: from sub inspector to directors general. They have among their duties call for managing riots and participating in cyber-crime investigations etc.

Power and Influence: That means IPS officers have direct control over law enforcement agencies.They can apprehend suspects, search premises and keep law and order.The actions of these delineated entities have consequences for the protection of the public and its security.

Challenges: Crises put a lot of pressure on IPS officers.The delicate issue of addressing the law and order perspective while adhering to the socio-political negotiations of the community.


  • Hierarchy: In the past, organizing the IAS at a higher position of bureaucracy has been the practice.However, recent reforms implemented in the organization address issues of hierarchy, as well as work specialization.
  • Interdependence: He IAS and the IPS work hand in hand. That is why their cooperation is necessary for effective governorship.While the IAS may formulate policies, the IPS can assure that such policies may be fully implemented.
  • Context Matters: Social power relations are not universal. While doing a routine work in a particular district, the IAS officer may look much more powerful than the IPS officer posted in that district; but once there is problem like riot, the IPS officer especially the superintendent of police becomes more powerful.


Each service impacts positively to the progress of India in one way or the other. It is worthy of note, instead of arguing about who is supreme or superior to whom, it’s better to note the symbiotic relationship that exists between the two. A democracy cannot survive without pens (IAS) and swords (IPS) both so, both are important for functioning of the democracy.
