The candidate walks in for the enquiry of the courses.
Counseling will be provided by the Institute’s Counselors regarding the details of the courses.
1.1 Online Registration: Candidates seeking admission in a batch must apply on or before the registration last date using the submission of
Online Registration Form which is available on the Institute’s website:
Instructions given therein must be read carefully before filling up the Form. Facility for online filling up of the Registration Form
would also be available at the Institute for which the candidates may contact Help-Desk Counter in the Institute.
Applicants can apply for more than one course in one registration form.
- In order to make the admission process easy and smooth for the Candidates,
We have introduced an online registration process.
- On registration online, our system will generate a token number for the
candidates and admission will be offered based on the token numbers.
A candidate, who registers sooner on the days of online registration, will get preference for the choice of batches as well.
- Students who are unable to secure admission online should visit our Office Campus to verify their status.
- For admission, you are requested to apply in the prescribed Admission Form along with two recent passport size photographs,
10th Certificate, ID & address Proof (Passport/Voter-ID/Pan card/DL).
- Candidates are advised to visit the Institute’s website regularly to know the exact date of
upcoming new batch page to get register yourself for entire batch.
As an alternative, the candidates can also apply through paper-based registration as explained in point 1.2.
1.2 Paper-Based Registration: Paper-based Prospectus alongwith the Application Form will be available at the
Institute Counter. The filled Common Registration Form with no enclosures must be submitted on or before the last date of registration.
As with online applications, multiple courses can be applied for using only one Paper- based Registration Form.
1.3 For online and paper-based Registration Forms, the sum of`5000/- per course as the case may be,
can be paid using our online registration form or can be deposited in our Institute's bank account using the following details::.
Bank Name
Branch Address
Shakti Nagar Extension, New Delhi – 110052
A/C Number
Beneficiary Name
Vajirao and Reddy Institute Pvt. Ltd.
Fee Mode:
- Payment can be made through NEFT, RTGS or IMPS.
- You are advised to make payments only against the issuance of fee-receipt.
- The management reserves the right to alter the Fees and the Course Schedule without any prior notice.
Fee Installments:
- If admission is taken under installment plan, the balance fee must be cleared on or before the due date,
failing so without prior approval from Director Admission would invite penalty or may be barred from attending our coaching classes in delhi.
Fees Refund:
- Fee once paid shall not be refunded. Therefore, you are requested to satisfy yourself about the requirements of the course
before joining our coaching for IAS in delhi.
Hostel/Accommodation Facility:
- Hostel/Accommodation may be facilitated by the Institute upon request.
However, Our Institute provides
IAS Coaching In Delhi With Hostel Facility
to help our students to find suitable accommodation close to the Institute,
once they have arrived in New Delhi near our Vajirao Institute Campus.
- For counseling on any matter you can simply walk to our center of enquire over the
Telephone to join our coaching for IAS in India.