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How to Crack UPSC CSE in Hindi Medium?


At the centre of the Indian bureaucracy is a tough entrance the UPSC Civil Services Examination. It welcomes dreamers, scholars and visionaries to serve the public by following this path. Apart from the syllabus and question papers, the CSE is a story of struggle, hard work, and determination. The UPSC CSE is not just an exam; it is a journey – a journey towards a goal. While hunched over old books, the aspirants are also tackling issues of administration, morality, and social change. The examination hall is a place where dreams, visions and realities clash, where the written word determines futures. Situated between Kautilya’s Arthashastra and the modern issue of climate change, the CSE span across ages. It wants executives who can bring order out of chaos, who can craft policy as an artist carves wood, to build a new and improved tomorrow.

Cracking UPSC CSE in Hindi Medium: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Understand the Exam: First of all, let’s understand the format of UPSC CSE. It consists of three stages:

  • Preliminary Examination (Prelims): Objective-type questions. Keep in following things while preparing for prelims:
    • Understand the Syllabus: First of all, one should pay attention to the syllabus. Let the topics and subtopics be known to you.
    • NCERT Books: In case of basic concepts, NCERT books in Hindi should be followed. They offer good base on which to build.
    • Practice MCQs: Revise the past years papers and take mock tests. Include topics that are both general and topical.
    • Current Affairs: You can read Hindi newspapers and magazines to get information. Write short pointers on what is happening.
    • Test Series: Practice well for a good test series in Hindi. Regular practice is crucial.
  • Main Examination (Mains): Descriptive papers. This needs the key approach as:
    • Essay Writing: Solve some essay writing in Hindi. Improve the quality of written expression and arguments’ reasoning.
    • Answer Writing: Prepare a method for solving GS (General Studies) papers. While answering questions, use Hindi language and try to explain main points.
    • Optional Subject: If the additional subject is offered in Hindi then one should select it. Otherwise, make sure you have no problem with Using English Language.
    • Revision: Revision of notes and important topics should be made from time to time.
  • Interview (Personality Test): Checking up on one’s personality and likelihood of being suitable for administrative services. This can be increased by:
    • Language Proficiency: Although the interview is normally conducted in English you may request to answer in Hindi if you wish to. Be confident and articulate.
    • Mock Interviews: It is recommended to conduct mock interviews with some mentors or peers. Emphasis on the message, physical gestures and what you are saying.
    • Know Your DAF: You should know your DAF like the back of your hand – it’s a detailed application form. Try to be prepared to discuss all the things that are mentioned in it.
    • Current Affairs: Continue learning about the current issues.

2. Language Proficiency: It is preferable to feel confident in Hindi. But, it is important to note that UPSC has made it possible for people to take the Mains in Hindi. Hence, you must work on your Hindi writing skills. Read newspapers can help you. In order to succeed in the UPSC Civil Services Examination one has to focus on the language proficiency in Hindi. One can go through:

  • Read Widely: start reading Hindi Literature and daily and weekly newspapers and magazines. It is therefore important that the readers are exposed to a wider variety of content through diverse pieces of writing.
  • Write Regularly: Write some practice essays, précis and answer. Emphasis on coherency, and correct grammar and syntax.
  • Speak Aloud: Make phone calls or talk to friends or family. Speaking with confidence brings confidence within you.
  • Learn Idioms and Phrases: Use idioms to enrich your language so that you convey your message in a more effective way.
  • Revise Grammar: It is also important to revise grammar, especially tense, sentence construction, and syntax.

3. Resources: Must look for the reliable resources because what you read really matters so stick to the authentic sources like:

  • NCERT Books: For beginners, it is recommended to refer to NCERT from class 6th to 12th books for the basic idea. They are in Hindi and give a good start.
  • Standard Reference Books: For subjects like History, Geography, Polity, and Economy, it is better to refer standard Hindi books only.
  • Online Platforms: Some of the websites are like Prabhat Prakashan, and Jagran Josh provides a very good content in Hindi.
  • Magazines: For current affairs, one must read ‘Yojana’ and ‘Kurukshetra’ in Hindi.

4. Notes and Mind Maps: One should make short notes and mind maps. Using visual aids is more effective as a way of enhancing memory retention. Hindi words can help you to make it clear what you mean. Note making is very important and effective for UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE). Here’s a concise guide:

  • Active Engagement: Actually interact with the content provided to you. Do not merely read through the text; rather, take pen and underline, highlight, and take notes of relevant information.
  • Structured Format: Organize your notes. The headings, bullet points, and mind maps should be used. In this case, it is vital to provide brief statements while explaining the whole content.
  • Selective Approach: This entails classifying the information based on their importance. The emphasis should be made on the concepts, facts and examples from the syllabus.
  • Personalization: Add your insights. Combine ideas, make connections with real life events, and share your own ideas.
  • Revision-Friendly: Make notes that will help you revise. Related words include: Mnemonic devises, abbreviations, and visual aids.

5. Answer Writing Practice

  • Quality over Quantity: Pay attention to writing coherent and to the point answers.
  • Model Answers: Solve sample papers and past papers and check model answers. Understand the requirement of every question.
  • Time Management: Learn how to practice writing in a right way.

6. Mock Tests: Practice with sample tests for Prelims and Mains. Assess what you have done and find out the aspects that need improvement. Test series plays a very important role in the preparation of UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE). Here’s why:

  • Assessment: They help to prepare the candidates for the actual exam, which is the primary reason why test series are designed in such a way to provide timed conditions. One of the most effective ways is to take mock tests frequently so that one can know their strong and weak areas and work accordingly.
  • Content Mastery: Through answering various questions in different areas, students consolidate their knowledge. Test series include questions on almost all topics so that students can prepare well for the exam.
  • Adaptability: The UPSC questions are always quite unpredictable. Solving different pattern of questions during test series helps in building flexibility and creativity.
  • Time Management: Solving tests help in the management of time for every part of the test. Time management during the actual exam time is very important to perform well.
  • Confidence Building: Mock tests help in improving the grades and confidence level. It relieves this fear and gives confidence to the aspirants that they are on the right track and can perform even better.

7. Current Affairs: Make sure you read the papers and watch the news. Some of the Hindi daily are Dainik  Jagran and Hindustan. Read the government websites and PIB releases in Hindi. To get ready for the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE), it is very important to be updated with the current affairs. Here’s a concise and unique approach that one can follow:

  • Diversify Your Sources: Do not only just depend on one newspaper or website. Thus, get information from different reliable sources to be aware of the national and international events.
  • Daily Consistency: Spend some time daily on news. No matter if you are drinking coffee in the morning or chai in the evening, ensure you read news.
  • Notes and Mind Maps: State main ideas in your own words. Use diagrams such as mind maps or flowcharts to show connection of topics.
  • Revise Regularly: Don’t read it once and file it away in the back of your mind. Revise frequently. Repetition helps retention.
  • Contextualize: Understand the consequences of news—what it means for government, money, and people.

8. Optional Subject: Select an optional paper carefully. Some of the topics covered are History, Geography, Sociology, and Public Administration which are available in Hindi. The optional paper in the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) is optional only in the sense that one has to choose it carefully. Here’s a concise guide to help you make that choice:

  • Strengths: Assess your learning from interests and talents. Think of topics that interest you most in school. Passion and enthusiasm is what will lead your preparation.
  • Scoring Potential: Find out how scoring differs in optional subjects. Certain topics are known to fetch more scores than the others. Try to look for the previous year question papers and try to see how the marks are distributed.
  • Background and Familiarity: It is advisable to use your academic qualifications as much as possible. If you have a certain subject that you completed your studies in; that may be the best optional to choose. Knowing the content is useful when preparing for the test.
  • Availability of Study Material: Make certain you have enough study resources for the optional you have selected. Books, notes, and online sources should be made available to the student.
  • Coaching or Self-Study: Choose whether you’re going to take a course or if you’ll be doing it on your own. Some topics may need the individual best IAS coaching in Delhi , while others can be left for the student to study on their own.
  • Scalability: Take into account whether the topic you have selected is easily scalable. Are you in a position to deliver all the content prescribed in the syllabus within the given time? Do not choose topics that are too broad or too general and not easy to explain.
  • Overlap with General Studies: Try to find the correlation between the optional subject and the GS syllabus. It is also useful to look at common themes to strengthen your comprehension.

9. Interview Preparation:

  • Know Your DAF (Detailed Application Form): Make sure that you know every aspect that you have disclosed in your DAF. Be prepared to explain why you should be considered for a position based on your education, as well as your personal activities.
  • Current Affairs: Make it a point to get informed on the current events happening locally and globally. Read newspapers, follow trustworthy sites, and know more about the backstory of the events happening. The most common questions that the interview panel asks include questions on current affairs.
  • Mock Interviews: Take some mock interviews with your mentors, friends& Best UPSC coaching in Delhi. This benefits you in the sense that it familiarizes you with the format, polishes your delivery, and gives you valuable criticism.
  • Body Language: Keep eye contact, sit up straight and do not wriggle in your seat. You know the saying, ‘Actions speak louder than words’? Your body language does exactly that.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: Expect that you may need to talk about ethical issues. Appreciate the various points of view and offer fair recommendations.

10. Stay Positive and Consistent: UPSC preparation is a long drawn process and not a race. Stay motivated, set routines and schedules, and always trust yourself. To write the UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE), it is quite rigorous, but it is advisable to be positive and consistent. Here are some succinct tips to help you stay on track:

  • Mind-set Matters: Cultivate a growth mind-set. It also means understanding that there are always going to be some setbacks along the way. Instead of complaining on the failures one should find out what went wrong and try to correct it.
  • Daily Rituals: Establish a study routine. Stay true to self and be consistent. It doesn’t matter if it is just an hour a day; make sure to make it a part of your daily routine.
  • Break It Down: The syllabus for the course can look very vast and complicated. Break it into smaller chunks. It is important to take time to celebrate the wins on the way too.
  • Stay Inspired: Try to read the success stories of the previous years’ topper of UPSC. This helps to get inspiration when one feels low.
  • Self-Care: Don’t neglect your health. Eat, exercise, and sleep. The physical fitness is the key to a healthy mind.
  • Peer Support: Share your experiences with other applicants. Mentor and teach each other, exchange ideas, and get motivated.
